New paragraphs from a flock of young Midwestern writers.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Story. (in five sentences)

When I got home from work and found only my mother, she told me that my father had turned into a sparrow and had joined the others making a mess in the attic’s drafts and rafters. She had caught him in a plastic basket and was keeping him trapped there, fluttering and frantic, with a large leather-bound atlas to cover the top. The poor thing bore no resemblance to my father, but I fixed my mother a cup of chamomile tea and put her to bed early, my hand resting on her dear, troubled head until she fell asleep. Then I took the basket up to the attic and switched the bird out for the right one. My mother’s eyesight had never been good.


Christine P. said...

I neglected to mention this earlier, but I think this is really good. You seem to establish a lot of atmosphere just in those five sentences.

Kelsey said...

Beautiful story!

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